Theory & Practical Classes Lectures

Cisco Packet Tracer Tutorial for Beginners

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To implement practical we are going to use simulation software.

Networking practical classes are very important but we cannot use original physical devices to understand its exercise; therefore we will work with virtual execution of the same networking devices.

So that we can understand the implementation procedures of the same; using the Cisco Packet Tracer we can implement the same execution of networking devices as we do in the physical mode.

Cisco Packet Tracer is a network simulation application.

Cisco Packet Tracer application is use for demonstrating the networking setup and topology with the help of networking tools and devices which are available in the Cisco Packet Tracer simulation tool bar as we can do in the practical field but the basic difference is that Cisco Packet Tracer allow all the process in virtual execution mode whereas the same can be implemented in physical mode at the real world.

Therefore Cisco Packet Tracer is a learning tool for students before they start their professional journey in the physical field.

Cisco Packet Tracer makes students understand that how they have to work with specific networking device.

Some of the networking devices are very highly priced and students may do damage to those if they exercised any experiment with it without sufficient knowledge of using the same.

So Cisco Packet Tracer gives them a very good platform to practice with their implementation with the networking devices but in virtual execution mode using the Cisco Packet Tracer simulation program.

If they commit any mistake while doing their experiments then they can easily understand; what wrong they have done and what else they should have done to make the setup work properly without hampering any physical costly networking devices.

Cisco Packet Tracer application is an open source application that can be downloaded easily from any browser by accessing the internet source.

There are many versions of Cisco Packet Tracer application and the latest version has the most updated networking devices.

So students can practice working with all networking devices in that platform and by this they will gain enough experiences before they start working in the real project with the real devices; therefore they will be able to handle all kinds of networking equipment with expertise.

We are going to use Cisco Packet Tracer version of 6.0.1 because that will be easy to install and understand for the beginners.


After instalation of the application; open the Cisco Packet Tracer Interface by double clicking on the icon;
Let us start with two computers;

We can find the computers at the bottom left corner panel under the End Device tab.

We need to drag and drop those over the white area of the application interface panel to create a network topology.

We need to connect both the computer's back panel network interface port with a cross copper wire and that we can get under the connection tab.

At last we have to assign IP Address two those computers and we have to check connection with PING command and also by sending data packet between two devices.

Practical CISCO Networking Labs in Cisco Packet Tracer Peer to Peer Network Peer to Peer Connection Peer to Peer Architecture Networking Projects on Cisco Packet Tracer Connect Two Computers using Cisco Packet Tracer Connect Computer using Cisco Packet Tracer Computer Networking Cisco Packet Tracer Tutorial Step By Step Cisco Packet Tracer Tutorial PDF Cisco Packet Tracer Tutorial for Beginners Cisco Packet Tracer Tutorial Cisco Packet Tracer Projects for Beginners Practical CISCO Networking Labs in Cisco Packet Tracer Peer to Peer Network Peer to Peer Connection Peer to Peer Architecture Networking Projects on Cisco Packet Tracer Connect Two Computers using Cisco Packet Tracer Connect Computer using Cisco Packet Tracer Computer Networking Cisco Packet Tracer Tutorial Step By Step Cisco Packet Tracer Tutorial PDF Cisco Packet Tracer Tutorial for Beginners Cisco Packet Tracer Tutorial Cisco Packet Tracer Projects for Beginners Practical CISCO Networking Labs in Cisco Packet Tracer Peer to Peer Network Peer to Peer Connection Peer to Peer Architecture Networking Projects on Cisco Packet Tracer Connect Two Computers using Cisco Packet Tracer Connect Computer using Cisco Packet Tracer Computer Networking Cisco Packet Tracer Tutorial Step By Step Cisco Packet Tracer Tutorial PDF Cisco Packet Tracer Tutorial for Beginners Cisco Packet Tracer Tutorial Cisco Packet Tracer Projects for Beginners

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