Theory & Practical Classes Lectures

LAN Configuration in Cisco Packet Tracer

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Open the Cisco Packet Tracer Interface by double clicking on the icon;

In previous class we have connected two computers with a cross cable and tested the connectivity of those.

In this class let us create a LAN setup;

For creating the LAN setup we need some computers or laptops.

We can find computers under the End Device tab; that is at the bottom left corner of the application interface.

We will drag and drop some computers on the white area of the interface to create a LAN setup.

We know that computer by default has single network interface port; so if it is needed to connect more than two computers in a network then we need a medium through which we can connect all the computers together in order to share information among those.

HUB and Switch are two devices for solving this purpose; we know the difference between HUB and Switch that we have learned in the theory class therefore let not discuss that now.

We will be using Switch because it is more intelligent device than HUB.

In the bottom left of the Cisco interface; under the Switch tab; we can select any model from those given models of Switches.

We just need to drag and drop that on the white area of the interface.

There are 24 ports available in the Switch and now we need to connect those computers with the Switch through Ethernet straight Copper wire.

So for doing that; we need to take Straight cables from the bottom left interface corner under the connection tab.

One end of the cable must be connected to the computer's network interface port and the other end is required to be connected to the Switch port.

As there are 24 Ethernet ports available in the Switch; any port can be used for connecting the device with the computers but it is advised to maintain proper sequential order for better understanding.

We may also create two or more setup having some computers and a Switch connected to it.

We can connect all those setup together by joining all the Switch ports together in a single wired topology using cross copper cable.

To do that we just have to connect one end of the cross copper cable to port of one switch and another end of the cable to the port of other switch; in this way we need to connect all Switches with one and another.

Now we need to assign unique IP Address to those connected computers.

If all the connected computers are assigned with same network address then all computers can communicate information among them but if computers are assigned with two or more different network addresses then the computer of one network will not be able to send information to the computer of another network.

Inside same network all connected computers can send information among each other.

So now we are going to test connectivity by sending data packet from one computer to another computer under same network and also of different network.

We observe that while sending data between same networks; the status will be successful but while sending packet between two separate networking addresses; the status will be failed.

We may also test the connectivity by PING command from one computer connected in the setup by accessing other all computers.

The command is PING than space followed by IP Address of the destination host.

After this experiment we can draw the conclusion that Switch can be used in a setup to create a small topology to send data between computers of same networking addresses but switch is incapable to communicate with data packets among separate networking addresses.

LAN Configuration in Cisco Packet Tracer Setup Lan With Switch Practical CISCO Networking Labs in Cisco Packet Tracer Networking Commands in Cisco Packet Tracer Local Area Network Using Cisco Packet Tracer Lan Using Cisco Packet Tracer Lan Connection in Cisco Packet Tracer How to Create Local Area Network Using Switch How to Create a Network in Cisco Packet Tracer Create Lan Using Switch Connections Computer using Cisco Packet Tracer Connect Computer using Cisco Packet Tracer CCNA Tutorial LAN Configuration in Cisco Packet Tracer

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